Transfer Service (Existing meters)
To speed up the wait time during the transfer process, you may call ahead (270-685-5594) to provide your name, address, phone numbers, reading date, and other pertinent information and then come by the office to sign the contract, pay the applicable fee, and provide the following information.
– Photo I.D.
– Lease agreement (if applicable)
– $35 refundable membership deposit and $12.00 non-refundable service order charge (cash or check only)
– Transfer requests must be made at least one business day in advance of the start date of service. If your water needs to be turned on, someone must be present at the property when we arrive.
Sign Up (New meter installation)
To apply for a new meter installation, please visit our office with the following information:
– Plumbing Permit number or Farm Exempt Certificate (if 10 or more acres)
– Photo I.D
– Telephone numbers
– Payment of cash or check for the meter tap fee (see Billing Info / Rates tab for applicable meter tap fees)